I'm highly impressed by Kindle. Not just the device -- I don't have one -- but the whole idea around it; and what Amazon has done with it. I'm in awe! No, seriously. While we were busy reading about gadget wars, and tech-websites busy bombarding us with feature comparisons of Kindle, and Nook and what-not -- Amazon did something very smart: it created a Kindle plugin for every platform known to mankind...Android, iOS, name it (ok maybe not all, but you get the idea!). It was blessing for people like me who might want to read something at their own convenience. All my devices are that takes care of remembering the page number/bookmarks etc.
At this point however I must confess that the intent of this particular post was not exactly blowing Kindle's trumpet..but rather to talk about a nifty little extension that they created for Chrome, which allows me to send any webpage to my Kindle library in Kindle format with just a click (aka 'automagically')!
I consider it as one of the coolest things I've been enlightened with recently -- gives me the flexibility of not just bookmarking a webpage -- I have thousands of those will-read-it-someday ones, but rather going several steps further and making that webpage/article available on all my Kindle-app devices. This means that I have the convenience of (re-)visiting those articles/bookmarking them/reading them in oddest of places -- all at my disposal! That's übercool and so very thoughtful!